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Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' title='Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' />Download UPSC Mains GS1 Paper, incl. Instructions. GSM1 2. Question Paper in Linear Format. Observations 2. 01. Relevance of Mrunal. Bogus Marketing Propaganda. GSM1 Topicwise since Pattern change. Art Culture. History India before Independence. History India After independence. History world. Social Science Caste, Religion, Region. Social Science Poverty, Population, Globalization. Social Science Women. Geography Physical. Geography Climate, Disaster related. Geography Resources Distribution. Geography factors affecting industrial locations. Geography Urbanization. Instructions. UPSC conducted general studies paper 1 of civil services mains examination on 1. Last Six Months Hindi Current Affairs 2017 pdf Download Free Last Six Months Hindi Current Affairs 2017 pdf Download Free Hello Friends Welcome to studydhaba. Search NCERT books and CBSE books. English, Hindi, Environmental Studies, Math, Urdu, Sanskrit, Biology, Psychology, Geography, Chemistry, Political Science, and more. ICBSE. com will not be updated for some time, meanwhile visit cbse. Race Club Setup. YKzp5MawQM/UMH7HvinyrI/AAAAAAAAAVY/tDXkYoRn2rg/s1600/jess2cc.jpg' alt='Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' title='Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' />How to Download NCERT Books as PDF If you find it difficult to get hardcopies of NCERT texts, you can always get soft copies in PDF form from the site ncert. NCERTS/l/khac2cc.jpg' alt='Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' title='Download Ncert Books In Hindi Pdf' />December 2. Duration 3 hours Maximum Marks 2. Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions There are TWENTY questions printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Each Question carries 1. All the questions too compulsory. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question cum Answer QC4 Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, wherever specified should be adhered to. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the Question cum Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off. GSM1 2. 01. 5 Question Paper in Linear Format. Each Question is worth 1. But content of the answer is more important than its length. The ancient civilization in Indian sub continent differed from those of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece in that its culture and traditions have been preserved without a breakdown to the present day. Comment. Mesolithic rock cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a fine aesthetic sense comparable to modem painting. Critically evaluate this comment. How different would have been the achievement of Indian independence without Mahatma Gandhi Discuss. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, despite having divergent approaches and strategies, had a common goal of amelioration of the downtrodden. Elucidate. It would have been difficult for the Constituent Assembly to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India in just three years but for the experience gained with the Government of India Act, 1. Discuss. Why did the industrial revolution first occur in EnglandDiscuss the quality of life of the people there during the industrialization. How does it compare with that in India at present To what extent can Germany be held responsible for causing the two World Wars Discuss critically. Describe any four cultural elements of diversity in India and rate their relative significance in building a national identity. Critically examine whether growing population is the cause of poverty OR poverty is the main cause of population increase in India. How do you explain the statistics that show that the sex ratio in Tribes in India is more favourable to women than the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes Discuss the changes in the trends of labour migration within and outside India in the last four decades. Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on women in India. Debate the issue of whether and how contemporary movements for assertion of Dalit identity work towards annihilation of caste. Explain the factors responsible for the origin of ocean currents. How do they influence regional climates, fishing and navigationMumbai, Delhi and Kolkata are the three mega cities of the country but the air pollution is much more serious problem in Delhi as compared to the other two. Why is this so India is well endowed with fresh water resources. Critically examine why it still suffers from water scarcity. The states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are reaching the limits of their ecological carrying capacity due to tourism. Critically evaluate. How far do you agree that the behavior of the Indian monsoon has been changing due to humanizing landscapes Discuss. Smart cities in India cannot sustain without smart villages. Discuss this statement in the backdrop of rural urban integration. What are the economic significances of discovery of oil in Arctic Sea and its possible environmental consequences Observations 2. Both in GS1 and GS2, we see an emergence of questions from topics that were hot 3 to 5 years back e. ST sex ratio SC 2. The. Hindu Khap Panchayat 2. The. Hindu Satyam Scam and corporate reforms 2. Of course these topics sporadically re emerge every once in a while, but as such quite stale in terms of origin. No. of questions vs word limit 2. Gradual shift from factual freedom struggle e. India Lord Dalhousies contribution to analytical freedom struggle e. Gandhi. Unlike 2. Lord Dalhousie or Panipat battle. World History gradual dilution of difficultly level from Japans industrialization 2. Suez crisis 2. 01. Englands industrial revolution 2. NCERT and other books and web resources. Questions where history is linked to present 1 ancient culture to present day 2 Englands industrial revolution to present industrialization of India quality of life in both places. Gradual decline in weight and difficultly level of art and culture section. Ancient civilization to present day quote from A. L. Bashams book Wonder that was India, although one can attempt to invent the answers from assembling points from here and there. No question from post independence India in both 2. Continued emphasis on Women related questions in GS1 in both 2. Population asking statistical trend analysis type questions 1 sex ratio ST SC 2 labour migration trend in 4. Geography shift from physical and industrial location related question towards environment climate change related questions. Gradual dilution of difficulty as well in the sense that even a non geography optional candidate can hope to write a few points. Just like in Essay 2. E. g. Gandhi Ambedkar and downtrodden is both a question from syllabus topic 1 India before independence and 2 Social empowerment. Similarly, why Delhi more bogus than Mumbai in air pollution is both 1 climatology 2 urbanization topic. More analysis points can be made, the more time and brain we apply in analyzing this paper, youre most welcome to put yours in the comments section below. Relevance of Mrunal. Bogus Marketing Propaganda. Good number of questions could be solved directly from the Mains revision series verbatim answers and points were available. Question. Source on Mrunal. Credit claimed. Globalization impact on Indian women. Pratik Nayaks IR2 P3 slide number 1. Origin of Ocean currents, their impact on climate, fishing etc. Water scarcity in India, despite fresh water resources. Rajtanil G7P7 water resources. Sunep MRG1P4 Himalayan Glacier G2P1 dying rivers1. Arctic sea oil and environment implications. Rajtanil G5P1 Ocean resources. Sunep MRG1P2 slide number 2. Smart cities and smart villages. Why Industrial revolution started in England and compare it with India at present. Old NCERT Chapter. I did not write old NCERT. Germanys hand in WW2. Old NCERT Chapter 1. I did not write old NCERT. Total. 62. 52. 50 2. Paper. GSM1 Topicwise since Pattern change. In 2. 01. 3, UPSC changed the syllabus pattern of Mains examination and the number of general studies papers were increased from two to four. Download pdf notes Study Material Free,Test Series,Job Notification Pdf. By Ajit Om. GhyanDecember 1. SSCSSC CGL 2. 01. Pdf Books,Notes,Material,Salary,Mock tests,Posts,Notification Date,Previous Years papers,Job profile SSC CGL 2. Pdf Books,Notes,Material,Salary,Mock tests,Posts,Notification Date Hello Friends Welcome to studydhaba. Here We are sharing SSC CGL 2. Study material ,.